Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (vCJD)

If you lived in the UK, France or the Republic of Ireland between January 1,1980, and December 31, 1996, for a total period of six months or more - or received a blood transfusion in these countries at any time after January 1, 1980 - you are permanently deferred from donating blood and plasma in New Zealand.

That said, we're currently in the process of reviewing our vCJD deferral following recent developments overseas to ensure that it remains relevant.  


 Frequently Asked Questions


Yes! We’re currently reviewing the vCJD deferral in New Zealand.

We are aware that Australia and America lifted their deferrals in July and November 2022 respectively.

New Zealand is aiming to follow suit – however, a number of steps need to be undertaken before the criteria can be changed. It’s not as straightforward as simply following in the footsteps of other blood services that have recently lifted their own deferrals.

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Our primary responsibility is to ensure a safe and secure supply of blood and blood products for everyone in New Zealand.

The first stage of this process has involved the NZBS Clinical Team undertaking a review and detailed risk assessment. The review and risk assessment has been informed by data that is specific to New Zealand, alongside the most up-to-date, peer-reviewed scientific evidence that is available from relevant international blood services.

Based on the strong, evidence-based case to change the criteria, then the second stage has been for NZBS to make a submission to Medsafe recommending that the deferral be changed.

Medsafe is now in the process of reviewing the submission, this needs to occur before any changes to the donor eligibility criteria in New Zealand can be implemented.

If the submission is approved, NZBS will update numerous systems and documents before the change is implemented.

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Medsafe reviews can take three months, and may take longer if Medsafe requires additional data and information.

Once approval is granted NZBS will update its internal systems and documentation – this may take up to two months to complete.

Once a go live date is determined, NZBS will communicate these changes to the public.

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We understand that this is an important issue and our goal is to have changes made in 2023.

However, the exact dates are not able to be stated at this time due the time the Medsafe submission takes to review and approve, and then the changes NZBS need to then make to its internal systems.

We will update this page as this review progresses.

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Most people who travel outside New Zealand are still able to donate blood when they return. However, travel to an area where there is a risk of exposure to certain diseases can result in symptomless infection(s) that can be transmitted through blood transfusion.

Go back to the Donating after Travelling tool.