Contact Us
0800 448 325
Would you like to send us some feedback?
Your feedback is very important to us. We love to hear when you’ve had a great experience, and we also value your ideas on how things can be improved. Letting us know about your experiences is easy - you can phone our call centre on 0800 448 325. You can also send us a message via the form below or by emailing us at
Sometimes, if things haven’t gone as expected, you may wish to make a complaint. If that’s the case, we’re sorry that the experience didn’t meet your expectations – we strive to be the best we can be but acknowledge that sometimes, things don’t go to plan. You can find out more about our complaints process here.
If your query is a media request, please send it directly to or call 027 844 0073.
For all other questions or queries, email us at, call 0800 448 325 or fill out the form below.
Contact form
The information collected will be used and held by New Zealand Blood Service. For more information about how we collect, use and store your information, please refer to our Privacy Statement, which can be viewed at You have a right to access and request the correction of the information in accordance with the Health Information Privacy Code and related New Zealand law. We take privacy breaches seriously and do everything we can to prevent them from occurring. In the event a privacy breach does occur, we will comply with the notification requirements in the Privacy Act 2020. If you have received information in error or are concerned you may have been the subject of a privacy breach, please contact the New Zealand Blood Service Privacy Officer at