Donating after Travelling
Please keep in mind that both flying & donating can dehydrate. Dehydration can make the donor feel ill, possibly faint, and can potentially increase the risk of DVT. Risk is minimised by ensuring there is a 24 hour wait between long haul flights and donating - this does however remain the donors personal choice.
Use the tool below to find out if you will have to wait before you can donate blood, plasma and platelets.
Top travel destinations
Know risk factors for travel destinations most popular with New Zealand travellers.
Congratulations! You can donate blood!
Congratulations! You can donate plasma!
You must wait a minimum of 28 days after travelling to Fiji before giving blood. Please use the travel tool below for full details.
Congratulations! You can donate plasma!
You must wait a minimum of 28 days after travelling to Fiji before giving platelets. Please use the travel tool below for full details.
Congratulations! You can donate blood!
Congratulations! You can donate plasma!
If you have travelled to any other country, please search below.