NZBS Public Policies
Child Protection Policy
New Zealand Blood Service (NZBS) is committed to the safety and well-being of everyone who engages with the Service. It believes that all children have a fundamental right to have their needs met and be safe from abuse and neglect.
NZBS has developed policies and procedures that reflect this principle and ensure the well-being of the child is considered, whether we engage directly with children in services such as our mobile blood services and therapeutic exchange services or as part of the whānau we are working with.
NZBS has developed a Child Protection Policy that provides all staff with guidelines to identify and respond appropriately to abuse and neglect concerns and understand their role in keeping children safe. Through a comprehensive child protection policy, the likelihood of recognising and reporting concerns around abuse will increase as it will provide principles, standards and guidelines that clearly define any action required by staff to keep children safe.
The New Zealand Blood Service Child Protection Policy:
- Provides an overview of NZBS obligations under the Children Act 2014, including the safety checking of staff who are children’s workers
- Outlines the actions staff will take to act on any issue or concern related to child protection
- Determines the procedure to be followed if abuse is suspected or disclosed.
NZBS believes a child’s safety and well-being should always have priority. This Policy describes the commitment NZBS has to children and its measures to ensure their safety and well-being. Staff will work together to embrace difference and diversity and respect the rights of children and young people. This Policy, and associated procedures and guidelines, applies to all staff, paid and voluntary, as NZBS believes child protection is everyone’s responsibility.