- Overview
- 3.1 Clinical Governance
- 3.2 Prescribing Blood Components and Fractionated Products
- 3.3 Informed Consent to Receive a Blood Transfusion
- 3.4 Requesting Blood Components and Fractionated Products
- 3.5 Blood Stock Management: the Maximum Blood Order Schedule
- 3.6 Collecting Blood Samples for Pre-transfusion Testing
- 3.7 Pretransfusion Testing
- 3.8 Patients With a Positive Antibody Screen
- 3.9 Sample Validity (‘72-hour Rule’)
- 3.10 Provision of Red Cells in an Emergency
- 3.11 Removal From Storage and Time Limits for Transfusion
- 3.12 Administration and Observation of Transfusion
- 3.13 Rate of Transfusion and Precautions
- 3.14 Electromechanical Infusion Pumps
- 3.15 Blood Administration Sets and Filters
- 3.16 Warming of Blood Components
- 3.17 Compatible Intravenous Solutions
- 3.18 Adding Medication to Blood Components
- 3.19 Documentation of Transfusion
- 3.20 Local Systems and Procedures
- 3.21 Reporting of Adverse Events