- 7.1 Overview
- 7.2 Reporting Adverse Reactions and Events
- 7.3 Guidelines for the Management of Adverse Transfusion Reactions (111I015)
- 7.4 Febrile Non-haemolytic Transfusion Reaction
- 7.5 Allergic & Anaphylactic Reaction
- 7.6 Transfusion-associated Hypotension
- 7.7 Acute Haemolytic Transfusion Reaction
- 7.8 Delayed Haemolytic Transfusion Reaction
- 7.9 Bacterial Sepsis
- 7.10 Post-transfusion Purpura
- 7.11 Transfusion-associated Circulatory Overload
- 7.12 Transfusion-related Acute Lung Injury
- 7.13 Transfusion-associated Dyspnoea
- 7.14 Transfusion-associated Graft-versus-host Disease
- 7.15 Iron Overload / Haemosiderosis
- 7.16 Transfusion-related Immunosuppression
- 7.17 Transfusion-transmitted Infection
- 7.18 Other Infectious Agents
- 7.19 Adverse Event Data
- 7.20 Other Complications