Amazing Story

Destiny's Story

It’s a parent’s worst nightmare realising something is wrong with their child. At nine months old, rather than beginning to crawl, Destiny Te Moananui Te Ahuru lost the movement in her legs. Worried that something serious was happening, her parents Kent and Pri-Anne rushed Destiny to a paediatrician.

Their parental instincts were spot on. Destiny was taken to Dunedin hospital for an MRI scan, which resulted in an emergency flight to Christchurch where the doctors advised Destiny needed immediate surgery. She had Neuroblastoma, a tumorous cancer that in Destiny’s case was in a critical position on her spinal cord and she may never be able to crawl or walk.

This was a lot for the family to take in, especially within just 24 hours since they first suspected something wasn’t right.

Kent and Pri-Anne knew that the spinal surgery was risky, but necessary and that chemotherapy would follow. During surgery, a blood transfusion of 80mL was needed; a small amount for an adult, but 10-20% of a nine-month old’s total blood volume.

Kent was thankful to New Zealand Blood Service (NZBS) for the second time in his life, having been a blood recipient himself. Blood transfusions and successful medical treatment meant he had just recently been given the all clear from testicular cancer.

This is one brave family. While one of Destiny’s sister’s pretends to give medicine to her dolls, the whole family just wants their little girl home and well. There is more chemotherapy to go and she will need more blood as part of her ongoing treatment. The TeMoananui’s are thankful that this will never be an issue due to the great work of NZBS and the generous donors throughout New Zealand. They are optimistic about Destiny’s recovery, as their courageous little girl has surprised everyone by crawling - a milestone that people said would not be possible.

To find out more about becoming a donor, click here or call 0800 GIVE BLOOD and to follow Destiny’s progress you can visit her Facebook page

Submitted: 2015-04-17



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