Amazing Story

Kimberley knows the importance of donating

Last year on the 17th of April, I got rushed to the hospital. I was having intense tummy pain and I couldn't move. It felt like I was being ripped apart. While trying to work out what was wrong with me, they performed a number of tests and found out that despite being on contraception I was pregnant and was 2 months along. The fetus had lodged itself in my Fallopian tube and grown until my tube had burst leaving me internally bleeding. I got rushed into surgery in the nick of time. It took 2-3 bags of donated blood to save my life. I had lost over a litre in my body. I am very lucky to be here today to tell my story and I can do so because NZBS got the blood that saved me. In the next couple weeks once I'm allowed to donate again, I will be back again to donate my own in the hopes someone else's life like my own will be saved too x

Thank you for being the reson i made it to 30 xxx

Submitted: 2019-04-14



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